Thursday, January 19, 2017

I've always been a big sucker for good design, whether it be in a poster, on a label, or on a book- it'll influence what movies I watch, what bands I listen to, what books I read, and what food I try. As per the class assignment for the week, to the left and right are a few of my go-to album covers and movie posters (as well as a few other assorted well-designed pieces I could think of). I couldn't really think of any design decisions that I've seen recently that I specifically "didn't like." The only ones that come to mind immediately are Hardee's commercials, local TV advertisements, those new pistachio commercials with the elephant, and Donald Trump's campaign.
Image result for donald trump campaign poster
Yes, this is an actual Donald Trump poster, no a four year old didn't make it, and yes those are in fact Nazi soldiers marching in the bottom.

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