Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The main things that really help me get inspired (artistically) would probably be Pinterest, my favorite music, and my favorite movies, as cliche as those may sound. I'm constantly taking mental notes on how people construct album covers, movie posters, website layouts, music videos, book covers, food labels, etc (being a marketing intern for a summer helped open my eyes to stuff like this too). If I just want to be inspired as a person and I happen to be back at home, I'll go to the local farmers' market or an exhibit opening- all the interesting people I know will likely be there (if something cool and hippie-y is happening in Tifton, it's pretty easy to hear about it). I'm lucky know a nice portion of the coolest folks in my hometown. Where I come from doesn't have a whole lot to offer, but I like to think that I'm fairly tuned in to what it does.

I'm most creatively productive at night, outside of class, when I can get in pajamas, listen to music and chill. I tend to also be less creative when I'm in the presence of others (stupid, I know, but I get bashful). I am getting better in your class though, working on art during class feels weird, but I'm getting more comfortable with it.

I've always defined art as anything that makes you feel something. What's art to me will be completely different from what's art to you, as what has an an effect on me may not have one on you and vice versa. Art can be anything, a movie, a sentence, a picture, a speech, a song, a moment, etc. If you define design as purely visual, you're not doing it right (unless your goal is just to make pretty pictures, not art).

~my Pinterest is probably the main place I go when I need creative help~

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