Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The Things I Collect

Pinterest is a really good way for someone as scattered as me to keep track of artists I find interesting (like Polly Nor, Alex Proba, Marc Johns, Nan Lawson, Littlesweets, to name the ones I can think of- I'll put  picture of their stuff below). I'm a big believer in physically saving anything that you like or inspires you (probably because if I don't, I'll definitely forget about it). I put aside everything from well executed movie posters, tattoos, illustrations, advertising, interior design, photography, etc. I think it's always a good idea to keep what inspires you somewhere so you can retrieve it at any time.

Image result for Polly nor
Polly Nor

Image result for marc johns headband
Marc Johns

Image result for alex proba doughnut
Alex Proba
Image result for littlesweets art
Image result for na lawson life aquatic
Nan Lawson

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